Artemis Self-defense offers a variety of private, on-site seminars to meet the needs of your police agency, organization, school or company. We are available for everything from lectures to hands-on training. Contact us today to learn more.
- Our Artemis Police Defensive Tactics and Pre-Escalation™ Training Program provides officers with options for prevention, de-escalation and neutralization of violence.
Officers will learn tactical communication strategies and how to improve their restraint efforts and gain tactical advantage during resistant, dynamic encounters. This will increase their safety, reduce the likelihood of injury to everyone involved and help them to achieve the most humane and responsible outcomes possible.
- Artemis Corporate Safety Courses - With workplace violence on the rise, business leaders have become more aware of protecting themselves and their staff. Artemis Self- Defense can address these concerns by providing training tailored to the needs of your organization. Artemis Self-Defense offers: Workplace Safety Presentations, Active Shooter Awareness, Conflict Resolution Training and De-Escalation Strategies.
– Our Realtor specific program addresses how to safely show a house or conduct an open house, and what pre-emptive actions to take to help keep you safe.
- Home Self Defense Party? If you and your friends wish to learn more about reducing your risk of becoming a victim or how to defend against an aggressor, contact us today.
If I told you you would be involved in a violent encounter 5 months from today, what would you do differently between now and then to prepare?
~ Julie Werhnyak 🙂
Artemis Self-Defense is currently booking Police Defensive Tactics Training, Self-Defense Classes and Corporate Safety Courses.
Julie is available for Speaking Engagements, Classroom-Only Presentations and Hands-On Training.